This gallery is an exhibition space to display the Cloud DCS collection of creations including hard drivers, small servers and internet-usage related accessories. These objects are placed in the back illuminated shelves. The gallery takes shape of a spiral to emphasize the theme of the movement and energy as essential common feature of when digital technology fits in our reality.

Floor artwork is once again highlighting the “sky walking theme” and thanks to the reflective nature of laminate glass floor it manages in achieving an incredible color resolution as well as a reflective surface to mirror the curved geometric lines of the spiral. The end of the spiral is a full surface video monitor and is dedicated to interactive screenings around the theme social networks’ cultural opportunities.

This gallery is an exhibition space to display the Cloud DCS collection of creations including hard drivers, small servers and internet-usage related accessories. These objects are placed in the back illuminated shelves. The gallery takes shape of a spiral to emphasize the theme of the movement and energy as essential common feature of when digital technology fits in our reality.
Small installations dedicated to illustrate the development of Cloud DCS becoming over a few years one of the power player in Chinese IT industry and history of digital technology in the last twenty years and its impacts in our economic, cultural and social life.
Plastic balls sculpture assembled along nylon transparent wires is actually a screen allowing projection of images with a three-dimensional video and it is part of the multimedia gallery of installations to celebrate the services of Could DCS and the history of IT industry.
Designed by | Alberto Puchetti for Arboit Ltd.
Pictures by | Arboit Ltd.