All materials in the "Tipping Point " micro brewery pub are solid to give a sense of permanence and consistency as opposite to the obsession of “sleekness” and “newness” so typical in Hong Kong’s interiors which end up being so “old” already after a few years. Ageing element is actually kept in account as an added value in recognizing the beauty of the signs of times on a solid surface.
metal textures made of bolted brass fragments is designed by looking at Tai’O typical fisherman houses where like a patchwork a variety of materials and textures are juxtaposed together in a variety of organic solutions. In the fishermen villages metal panels are re-used as facade materials from other purposes to protect and isolate houses' wooden walls from weathering. The final aesthetic result is an interesting lively textures that speaks about history of these traditional local villages therefore we wanted to propose them in a by using brass to be in sync with the warm texture of the fading color painted textures.
Designed by | Alberto Puchetti – Arboit Ltd.
Construction by | Hung Limited
Pictures by | Dennis Lo