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Three dimensional CUSTOM-made TILES



Custom-made three-dimensional

ceramic tiles created as a special feature for various projects



Thanks to the help of the latest technologies developed by the ceramic suppliers from the Shenzhen Bay area a new type of molding allows  the production of an extensive variety of  three dimensional ceramic tiles. Because of these technologies the freedom  of the design choices make this item very suitable for bespoke design programs. The richness of the textures made of lights and shadow created by the three-dimensional effect on the monochromatic surface of the matt glazing  produces an effect of sculptural beauty. The look of the wall covered by three-dimensional tiles is subtle because it doesn't have colors or heavy lines, it is somehow neutral and yet because of the richness of the texture it offers a visually opulent effect.

The customization  of the design is also a powerful tool for branding purposes.


Arboit Limited has developed this technology through several projects. The ceramic surface texture is certainly the most precious although for certain design and below certain quantities of production might turn out to be a bit expensive.  A cheaper version of this solution is a full height wooden panel worked out by CNC and painted in a matt finishing. The vertical gaps in between panel is filled by stuck and concealed by paint.  

​Designed by | Alberto Puchetti – Arboit Ltd.

陶瓷倒模的新技术提供 了一种全新的瓷砖应用方式。立体的造型瓷砖具质感的外型和可塑度高的特性使其成为了品牌形象项目中很受欢迎的新型物料。定制瓷砖所砌成的主题墙质感丰富,呈特殊的光影效果,配合纯白的颜色显得干净时尚而不单调。我们的办公室为了配合不同的商用项目多次使用这种技术,继而开发了专门的三维纹理设计库。




空间设计 | Alberto Puchetti – Arboit Ltd.
​工程建设 | Rich Honour

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